Bem-vindo ao, onde suas perguntas são respondidas por especialistas e membros experientes da comunidade. Junte-se à nossa plataforma para conectar-se com especialistas prontos para fornecer respostas detalhadas para suas perguntas em diversas áreas. Explore milhares de perguntas e respostas de uma comunidade de especialistas em nossa plataforma amigável.

2. Complete the conversations. Use the past simple of the verbs in brackets.
A: Where did you put your keys?

B: I think I _______ them on the table. (leave)
A: What time did the concert begin?
B: It __________ at nine, but some people ____________ late. (begin, come)
A: What did your parents give you for your birthday?
B: They ______ me a sweater. (give)
A: Where were you yesterday when I called?
B: I _________ at home. (be)
A: How did you break your leg?
B: I ___________ off my bike. (fall)
A: What did your brother wear to the wedding?
B: He __________ a new suit. It ___________ 500 euros! (wear, cost)

Sagot :


left, began, came, gave, was, fell, wore, cost


espero ter ajudado!