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5. write short and long answers.[escreva respostas curtas e longas ]
exemplo;was he angry.[no]
no he wasnt.
no he wasnt angry

a] was rick at home [yes]
b] were they in the museum[no]
c]was the girlin the store [yes]


Sagot :


a) Yes, he was / Yes, he was at home.

b) No, they weren't / No, they weren't in the museum.

c) Yes, she was / Yes, she was in the store.


a) was rick at home ?

Short answer -> Yes, he was

Long answer -> Yes, he was at home.


b) were they in the museum

Short answer -> No, they weren't.

Long answer -> No, they weren't in the museum.

c) was the girlin the store ?

Short answer -> Yes, she was.

Long answer -> Yes, she was in the store.

Espero ter ajudado.

Boa sorte e bons estudos.

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