O Sistersinspirit.ca facilita a busca por soluções para perguntas cotidianas e complexas com a ajuda de nossa comunidade. Descubra soluções detalhadas para suas dúvidas de uma ampla gama de especialistas em nossa plataforma amigável de perguntas e respostas. Explore um vasto conhecimento de profissionais em diferentes disciplinas em nossa abrangente plataforma de perguntas e respostas.

What I was doing yesterday.

I wasn't at home when my parents were watching the football game on TV. I was watching the game with my friends Sally and Paul at their house. We like to watch games together in order to discuss the players and their performances.

When it was almost 10 p.m., time to come back home, we heard a strange noise outside the house. We thought it was a thief but it was Sally's brother playing a trick on us. We were so mad! He was making a noise with his hand. He was knocking on the door and running away. We had a lot of fun! Next time I'll tell my friends to come to my place.

1) Answer these questions in English according to the text: (2,0)

a) What were Bob's parents doing when he was at Sally and Paul's?

b) Why do they like to watch games together?

2) Write (T) for true or (F) for false according to the text: (2,0)

) Bob was not watching the game with his friends at their house. ) Bob and his friends heard a strange noise outside the house

) They thought it was a cat.

) The noise was Sally's brother playing a trick on them.

3) Marque a resposta correta: (2,0)

a) She wants to speak to (him — he)

b) Do you know ? (she — him)

c) I went there but was not at the club. (she — her)

d) We can go with (us — we)

e) AmOng there is a traitor. (they — them)

f) She knows all about (they — them)

g) Don't leave alone. ( l — me)

h) Don't forget on his birthday. (he — him)

i) She was sitting behind (you — your)

j) They give a gift. (him — he)

4) Substitua os nomes pelos Personal Pronouns: (1,0)

a) Sue -

b) Paul and Bob -

c) Mr. Brown -

d) Mrs. Brown -

e) Jack -

f) the dog

g) birds -

h) You and Jim -

i) the tables -

j) the cat -

5) Write the plural: (2,0)

a) friend -

b) baby -

c) woman -

d) fox -

e) tooth -

f) watch -

g) candy -

h) man -

i) child -

j) student -

6) Complete the sentences using the possessive adjectives in the parentheses: (1,0)

a) I lave ( his / my ) mother.

b) Mr. John is in( her / his ) office.

c) Sue likes ( his / her ) pets

d) That is( my / she ) book.

e) Mary and Jim are in the kitchen, but ( they / their ) friends are in the garage

Sagot :


desculpas mas vc pode copiar isso é colocar na tradução ler e responder,não tenho tempo



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