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Complete com IN, ON ou AT:
a) They are going to meet me _______ Saturday, ____ a quarter past nine.
b) Julia went to Paris ______ September, ______ 2003.
c) ___ the morning I usually have five classes, ___ the afternoons I always do my
homework and ____ night I watch movies.
d) He'll be here ____ a few minutes.
e) The party will be ___ nine, ___ the morning ____ August 20th.
f) I was born ………………. 1992.
g) I was born ………………. October.
h) I was born ………………. 5 o’clock in the morning.
i) I was born ………………. the evening.
j) I was born ………………. the 21st.
k) The concert starts ………………. 7:30.
l) Her father isn’t going to be here ………………. the April, 10th.
m) Our neighbors always have a party ………………. New Year’s Eve. It usually starts
………………. 09:30.
n) This was discovered ………………. 1986.
o) It’s very cold here ………………. winter.
p) I have English classes ………………. Tuesdays and Thursdays.
q) Nobody wanted to party with me ………………. my birthday.

Sagot :

Olá! Tudo bem com vocês?

Então, vamos lá!

a) They are going to meet me on Saturday, IN a quarter past nine.

b) Julia went to Paris in September, on 2003.

c) In the morning I usually have five classes, in the afternoons I always do my homework and at night I watch movies.

d) He'll be here in a few minutes.

e) The party will be at nine, in the morning on August 20th.

f) I was born in 1992.

g) I was born in October.

h) I was born at 5 o’clock in the morning.

i) I was born in the evening.

j) I was born on the 21st.

k) The concert starts at 7:30.

l) Her father isn’t going to be here on April, 10th.

m) Our neighbors always have a party on New Year’s Eve. It usually starts

at 09:30.

n) This was discovered in 1986.

o) It’s very cold here in winter.

p) I have English classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

q) Nobody wanted to party with me on my birthday.

Espero ter ajudado,

Bons estudos!

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