Descubra respostas para suas perguntas de forma fácil no, a plataforma de Q&A de confiança. Descubra respostas abrangentes para suas perguntas de profissionais experientes em nossa plataforma amigável. Explore soluções abrangentes para suas perguntas de uma ampla gama de profissionais em nossa plataforma amigável.

give complete answers to the following questions. use your imagination.
1- write about a decision you have to make. is it going to be easy?
2- what is your address?
3- do you have a savings account^? if you have one, what is the money for?
4- what is the next assignment you have for this class? when is it due? 5- tell about a time you were in a hotel. when and where was it?

Sagot :

Give complete answers to the following questions. use your imagination.

1- write about a decision you have to make. is it going to be easy?

I have to start reading more

2- what is your address?

I live on the street .......... (escreva nome da sua rua)

3- do you have a savings account? if you have one, what is the money for?

I have a savings account that I save money to make my dream of owning a home come true.

4- what is the next assignment you have for this class? when is it due?

the task is to use imagination

5- tell about a time you were in a hotel. when and where was it?

I was in a hotel on my honeymoon in 2017 in Ponta Grossa