Obtenha as melhores soluções para suas perguntas no Sistersinspirit.ca, a plataforma de Q&A de confiança. Obtenha respostas detalhadas para suas perguntas de uma comunidade dedicada de especialistas em nossa plataforma. Descubra soluções confiáveis para suas perguntas de uma vasta rede de especialistas em nossa abrangente plataforma de perguntas e respostas.

Translate into English.
a- Ele seria feliz com ela.
b- Eu não diria isso.
c- O que ela pensaria de nós.
d- Vocês não viriam comigo?
e- O que vocês gostariam de ser?
f- Você nos ajudaria a chegar lá?
2- Supply the correct formo f the verbs in parentheses. Pay attention and write the expressed
Example: He will speak slowly if he can. (to speak)
Probablea- He will kiss me if I go to his party. (to kiss) ___________________
b- They will be here early if they take a taxi. (to take) _________________
c- He would have bought that car if he had enough money. (to buy) ________________
d- If I had time, I would travel to Paris with you. (to travel) ____________________
3- Unscramble the words and write the sentence.
Had- eaten- if- the cake- have- he- given- would- I- him- some.
4- Combine the columns.
1- They won’t let you in
2- Barbara will be angry
3- You will enjoy the book
4- They won’t pass the exam
5- He will have an accident
6- They will get lost
7- Sarah will quit her job
8- You will win a lot of money
( ) if you like historical novels.
( ) if they don’t pay attention to the map.
( ) if they don’t study.
( ) if you study and work hard.
( ) if you don’t have the ticket.
( ) if she doesn’t get more money.
( ) if he drives drunk .
( ) if she sees this mess.
5- Underline the incorrect sentences.
a- If I were richer, I would buy this diamond.
b- If I was you, I would take a bus.
c- If you had comed to see this film, you would have enjoyed it.
d- Robert will travel if the company buys the ticket.

Sagot :


he would be happy with her

i would not say that

what would they think of us

what would you like to be?

would you help us get there?
