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Complete and turn the sentences with simple present:

A. My sister. An e-mail to her friend ( to write)

B. Sofia, Tom and Alice. To english test today. (To study). C. Alex. Hard, and they. . ( to work/to play)

D. My friend. TV ( to watch)

E. He. To Paris every winter. ( To go)

OBS: colocar na forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. Alguém me ajuda por favor

Sagot :

Resposta:A. My sister. An e-mail to her friend ( to write) My syster writes an email to her friend NEGATIVA my sister doesnt write an email to her friend INTERROGATIVA does my sister write an email to her friend?

b Sofia, Tom and Alice. To english test today. (To study)Sofia Tom and Alice study to the english test today NEGATIVA  sofia tom and alice dont study to the english test today  INTERROGATIVA Do Sofia tom and Alice study to the test today? . C. Alex. Hard, and they. . ( to work/to play) Alex Works hard and they play NEGATIVA  alex doesnt work hard and they dont play INTERROGATIVA  does alex work hard? do they play?

D. My friend. TV ( to watch) My friend watches TV NEGATIVA My friend doesnt watch TV iNTERROGATIVA Does my friend watch tv?

E. He. To Paris every winter. ( To go) He goes to paris every winter NEGATIVA  he doesnt go to paris every winter INTERROGATIVA does he go to paris every winter?


Auxiliary verb DOES for HE SHE IT negative simple present and interrogative simple present atras do sujeito

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