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Are you my son? The Prince and the Pauper (1881) is a book by Mark Twain. The book is about two boys, Tom and Edward. They are 15 years old but their lives are very different. Tom is a poor boy but Edward is a prince. They change places by mistake so Edward is a poor boy and Tom is a prince. The old King, Henry VIII, is not well but he is Edward's father and he wants to know the truth... The King visits the prince (or is he the poor boy?). King: I don't understand! Are you my son? Tom: No, I'm not a prince, I'm poor. King: Are you sure? Your clothes are not very old! Tom: They're not my clothes. They're Edward's clothes. He's poor now. King: Oh no! This is terrible! Is it true? Tom: Yes, it is. I'm really sorry, King Henry. You aren't my father, you're my King.

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Are you my son? The Prince and the Pauper (1881) is a book by Mark Twain. The book is about two boys, Tom and Edward. They are 15 years old but their lives are very different. Tom is a poor boy but Edward is a prince. They change places by mistake so Edward is a poor boy and Tom is a prince. The old King, Henry VIII, is not well but he is Edward's father and he wants to know the truth... The King visits the prince (or is he the poor boy?). King: I don't understand! Are you my son? Tom: No, I'm not a prince, I'm poor. King: Are you sure? Your clothes are not very old! Tom: They're not my clothes. They're Edward's clothes. He's poor now. King: Oh no! This is terrible! Is it true? Tom: Yes, it is. I'm really sorry, King Henry. You aren't my father, you're my King.

Você é meu filho? O Príncipe e o Mendigo (1881) é um livro de Mark Twain. O livro é sobre dois garotos, Tom e Edward. Eles têm 15 anos, mas suas vidas são muito diferentes. Tom é um menino pobre, mas Edward é um príncipe. Eles trocam de lugar por engano, então Edward é um menino pobre e Tom é um príncipe. O velho rei, Henrique VIII, não está bem, mas é o pai de Eduardo e quer saber a verdade... O rei visita o príncipe (ou é o pobre menino?). Rei: Eu não entendo! Você é meu filho? Tom: Não, não sou um príncipe, sou pobre. Rei: Tem certeza? Suas roupas não são muito velhas! Tom: Não são minhas roupas. São as roupas de Edward. Ele é pobre agora. Rei: Ah não! Isso é terrível! É verdade? Tom: Sim, é. Sinto muito, Rei Henrique. Você não é meu pai, você é meu rei.