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7. As seguintes palavras desembaralhadas The accident / when / mom /she/ saw / was / coming home Formam a frase: a) Mom saw de accident when she was coming home. b) She saw the accident when mom coming home. c) Mom saw the accident when she coming home. d) The accident mom saw when she was coming home. e) N.D.A. 7. As seguintes palavras desembaralhadas The accident / when / mom / she / saw / was / coming home Formam a frase : a ) Mom saw de accident when she was coming home . b ) She saw the accident when mom coming home . c ) Mom saw the accident when she coming home . d ) The accident mom saw when she was coming home . e ) N.D.A.​

Sagot :

⇒⇒  Unscramble

As seguintes palavras desembaralhadas formam a frase:

The accident / when / mom /she/ saw / was / coming home

a) Mom saw the accident when she was coming home.  √

b) She saw the accident when mom coming home.

c) Mom saw the accident when she coming home.

d) The accident mom saw when she was coming home.

e) N.D.A.

Alternativa correta letra ''a''

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