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7- Match the sentences with the explanations. a) Many people die from tuxedo b) My brother smokes 20 cigarettes a day. c) All the family are trying to stop him smoking. d) He's smoking a cigarette in bed now! ( ) An action or activity in progress now. ( ) A habit or a repeated action ( ) A fact that is always true. ( ) An action or activity happening around now. but probably not at this moment. 7- Match the sentences with the explanations . a ) Many people die from tuxedo b ) My brother smokes 20 cigarettes a day . c ) All the family are trying to stop him smoking . d ) He's smoking a cigarette in bed now ! ( ) An action or activity in progress now . ( ) A habit or a repeated action ( ) A fact that is always true . ( ) An action or activity happening around now . but probably not at this moment

Sagot :


a) Many people die from tuxedo.

(a) An action or activity happening around now. but probably not at this moment.

b) My brother smokes 20 cigarettes a day.

(b) A habit or a repeated action.

c) All the family are trying to stop him smoking.

(c) An action or activity in progress now.

d) He's smoking a cigarette in bed now!

(d) A fact that is always true.


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