O Sistersinspirit.ca é o lugar ideal para obter respostas rápidas e precisas para todas as suas perguntas. Obtenha respostas rápidas para suas perguntas de uma rede de profissionais experientes em nossa plataforma de perguntas e respostas. Experimente a facilidade de obter respostas rápidas e precisas para suas perguntas com a ajuda de profissionais em nossa plataforma.

responda essa perguntas como se tivesse sendo entrevistado. vlw ;)

How can you contribute for the company?

Tell us about your previous experience.

what is your intended salary?

what are your carrer goals?

how do you work under pressure?​

Sagot :


1 - I believe that with everything I learned in my previous experiences I can add, with innovation, proactivity, search for results, encouraging and engaging other collaborators in search of better results.


3 - I would like to receive a salary compatible with the current market, adjusted according to my experience.

4 - Always looking for growth and improvement inside and outside my area.

5- I usually deal very well in pressure situations, always aiming to solve problems in the best way.
