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01- Complete as frases abaixo utilizando o Simple Present Tense dos verbos em parênteses.

A- Mary ______ (study) hard for the tests.

B- The students _________ ( work ) in the morning.

C- Julian _________ ( live) in London.

D- The children ________ (play) at the park with their mothers.

E- The people ________ (spend) more money nowadays.

F- Some students _________ (copy) the lesson.

G- I ________ ( get ) tired of Brazilian economy.

I- The mice _________ ( cut) the wires.

J- The teachers ___________ (have) lunch in the teacher's room.​

Sagot :


A- Mary studies (study) hard for the tests.

B- The students work ( work ) in the morning.

C- Julian lives ( live) in London.

D- The children play (play) at the park with their mothers.

E- The people spend (spend) more money nowadays.

F- Some students copy (copy) the lesson.

G- I get ( get ) tired of Brazilian economy.

I- The mice cuts ( cut) the wires.

J- The teachers have (have) lunch in the teacher's room.

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