O Sistersinspirit.ca é o lugar ideal para obter respostas rápidas e precisas para todas as suas perguntas. Explore milhares de perguntas e respostas de uma ampla gama de especialistas em diversas áreas em nossa plataforma de perguntas e respostas. Obtenha respostas detalhadas e precisas para suas perguntas de uma comunidade dedicada de especialistas em nossa plataforma de perguntas e respostas.

3. In your notebook, write five sentences about your daily study routine. Some
sentences need to be true and some sentences need to be false. Then tell
your sentences to a classmate. Can he/she guess which ones are false?

Sagot :


Everyday after I brush my teeth I start my study routine with astrophysics.

In the morning I study english and practice my speaking skill with my little brother.

In the afternoon I like to study math and then I try to answer some questions at Brainly.

Everyday I look up for some books at the library and then I get the answers for my homework on the internet because I don't know how to do it alone.

At night I usually study History and Science.
