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Use the verbs in the parentheses in the present tense form 1. We 2. John (read) the newspaper very day. (go) to the club twice a week. (come) to school by bus. 3. He 4. I always (walk) to school. 5. Mary (play) the piano. 6. Helen 7. We always (travel) on Sundays. 8. The mother (kiss) both boys good-bye every morning. 9. He He He (study) in the same class as (carry) the books in the backpack (wish ) to speak with 12. The teacher you. (use) too much every 13. Some girls day. (watch) television th The nurse 14. child in the park. 15. I always 16. The dog 17. They 18. Mr. Walker about mathematics. 19. My mother Sunday. 20. Julie_ work) very hard. (do) everything that she asks. (try) to arrive on time. (bark) a lot. (eat) together every (teach) the stud (make) cake e have) three dogs a​