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1. Mark the sentences in which the verbs were used correctly.
a) I know that you wouldn't come for that job interview.
b) She was working in a factory last year, but recently she became the manager of a non-profit organization that helps
disadvantaged neighborhoods
c) I was pouring a glass of water for my former boss, when the pitcher suddenly cracked.
d) In 2018, we were living in Nigeria as missionaries to help people overcome poverty and crime.
d) When I got home from voluntary work. I was needing a shower.
e) She was reading Beowulf for her heroic epic class, when I met her at the park last week.
2. Rewrite the phrases from the previous exercise using verbs in the correct form.

Sagot :

1. C and E are correct.

2. a) I knew that you wouldn't come for that job interview.
b) She worked in a factory last year, but recently she became the manager of a non-profit organization that helps disadvantaged neighborhoods
d) In 2018, we lived in Nigeria as missionaries to help people overcome poverty and crime.
d) When I got home from voluntary work, I needed a shower.
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