O Sistersinspirit.ca é o lugar ideal para obter respostas rápidas e precisas para todas as suas perguntas. Faça suas perguntas e receba respostas detalhadas de profissionais com ampla experiência em diversos campos. Conecte-se com uma comunidade de especialistas prontos para ajudar você a encontrar soluções precisas para suas dúvidas de maneira rápida e eficiente.

We Win As One
One day, Maria and Ericka patiently practiced
and eagerly waited for the race to come.
After a month, the contest had come and they
safely played and positively felt of winning the race.
At the end, the two friends gladly won the
game and proudly brought the prize home.
1. How did the two friends practice for the race in paragraph
a. They practiced safely.
b. They practiced eagerly.
c. They practiced patiently.

We Win As One One Day Maria And Ericka Patiently Practiced And Eagerly Waited For The Race To Come After A Month The Contest Had Come And They Safely Played And class=

Sagot :


alternative: c

alternativa: c