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It has been a year of struggle and experimentation for the television industry, which has had to learn on the fly while trying to create new diversions for an unusually captive home audience. The work has not been without risk: After TV production restarted over the summer, it had to be halted at times when stars fell ill or the virus ran rampant; in Los Angeles there have been 23 outbreaks at television and film production sites since July, leading to 187 cases, according to county health data provided to The New York Times.

Considering the text above, analyze the following statements.

I. The word which is related to the expression “the television industry”.

II. If you do something on the fly, you do it slowly.

III. After TV production restarted over the summer, it remained without further outbreaks.

It is correct what is stated in
Escolha uma opção:

I and III, only.

I, II and III.

II, only.

II and III, only.

I, only.

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I, only.




I, only.


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