O Sistersinspirit.ca facilita a busca por soluções para perguntas cotidianas e complexas com a ajuda de nossa comunidade. Experimente a conveniência de obter respostas precisas para suas perguntas de uma comunidade dedicada de profissionais. Obtenha respostas rápidas e confiáveis para suas perguntas de nossa dedicada comunidade de especialistas em nossa plataforma.

2. Change the sentences according to the model.
I have a few plans for this year (next year) I have fewer plans for this year than next year.
a. I made a few mistakes on the English test. (Spanish test)
b. We have a few issues to discuss today. (we had yesterday)
c. There were a few paintings at the art gallery. (at the museum)
d. The goalkeeper grabbed a few balls during the match. (during practice)
e. She has overcome a few obstacles (he has)
f. The students have underlined a few words. (the teacher)​

Sagot :

⇒⇒  Comparatives

Change the sentences according to the model

I have a few plans for this year (next year)

I have fewer plans for this year than next year.

a. I made fewer mistakes on the English test than on the Spanish test.

b. We have fewer issues to discuss today than we had yesterday.

c. There were few paintings at the art gallery than at the museum.

d. The goalkeeper grabbed fewer balls during the match than during practice.

e. She has overcome  fewer obstacles than he has.

f. The students have underlined fewer words than the teacher.


⇒⇒ Comparative form >> compara 2 coisas, pessoas, grupos, sendo que um tem qualidade/característica superior, enfatizado por ''mais .... do que'' ou ''mais ... que'' >> more ... than

Principais regras

→ Adjetivos com até duas sílabas, a regra é acrescentar ‘’-er’’ ao adjetivo e incluir a palavra ‘’than’’ que significa ‘’do que’’.

Bob is taller than his brother, Jack. (tall)

I am shorter than my father. (short)

→ Adjetivos com mais de 3 sílabas - acrescenta ''more'' antes do adjetivo adjetivo + than

Liz is more beautiful than Susan.

A plane is more expensive than a car.

→ Adjetivo com duas sílabas e advérbio que termina em consoante + ''y'', tira o ''y'' e acrescenta ''-ier'' + than


busy >> busier  than

lucky >> luckier  than

→ Adjetivos curtos e que terminam em vogal + consoante, dobra a última consoante e acrescenta ''er'' + than


big >> bigger than

sad >> sadder than

Algumas exceções::

far      >>> farther than

good >>> better than

bad    >>> worse than

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