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Read the selection from the section "A Full Chromosome Count."The lizards are all female and parthenogenetic, meaning their eggs develop into embryos without fertilization. But Baumann's team discovered something curious about the whiptail. Before the eggs form, the females' cells gain twice the usual number of chromosomes. This means that the eggs get a full chromosome count. It also means they get genetic variety and breadth (known as heterozygosity) rivaling that of those from sexually reproducing lizards. What conclusion is BEST supported by the paragraph above?

A- The whiptail does a common type of asexual reproduction where the offspring get genetic variety.

B- Thewhiptail is unique because it has heterozygosity despite the fact that it reproduces asexually.

C- The whiptail is more vulnerable than other asexually reproducing vertebrates because of its heterozygosity.

D- The whiptail has far more genetic variation than sexually reproducing lizards because it is parthenogenetic

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