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Analyze the sentences: 1- I would've never guessed the answer if you hadn'T given me that excellent hint.
The verbal tense is: R:

2- The college's geology department has a large rock collectiom.
Rock is a/an: R:

3- I honestly think that parents should limit the amount of TV their children whatch.
Limit is a/an: R:

4- I wonder how much clotg it will take to make my new bedroom curtains.
Cloth is a/an: R:

5- There's no need to ask this. Everybody knows she is the light of his life.
His is a/an: R:

6- She's asked me many things, but I still don't have any answer.
But is a/an: R:

7- He's won the lottery and bought many things; however, he's still not happy.
However is a/an: R:

8- The employees will have finished their tasks by the end of the day.
The verbal tense is: R:

9- No matter how hard I try, your sister seldom replies my messages.
Seldom is a/an: R:

10- Youd dad was here and before leaving he asked me to give you this message.
This message is a/an: R:

Sagot :


1-To have

2-to possess

3- should

4- não sei

5- know

6- to have

7- win


9-dúvida, mas (rare)

10-it is

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