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1-) they are gaing to ________ the road as it has become too narrow for the volume ol traffic whech uses it

2-) we" ll have _________ the pace if we wont to up weth him

3-) the paper come ofl the parcel when the string that had been tied round it ________

4-) we ' pe all going to have to ________ our belt your malther fendr anather jod

5-) l'll have to __________ this shit is it tow shato we to work

6-) as you gow alder your spine __________ by to bout ten contemetrews

7-) you con _________ the souce by ading some flaud

8-) the bonk loon has greaty ________ passenton

9-) they say travel ________ the mind
10 -) she stood up and _______ her crumpled clampwons

11 -) this defeat ___________ our chances ol winsing chanponship

12_) he _______ as the olenesse grewu warse

13 -) it----- me that alter the accident he con" t walk any mare