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é pra ontem por favor me ajudem

Some passive sentences may be tricky for Portuguese speakers. Pay attention to the sentence below.

"I have always been told to follow my dreams."

(= Everybody has always told me to follow my dreams.)

in your notebook, write sentences like the one above, switching the sentences below into the passive voice.

a)Personal finance experts advise youngsters to keep a money diary.

Youngters are advised to keep a money diary.

b)People around me have taught me to be careful with money.

c)Brazilian authorities expect that 400,000 students will apply for student loans this year.

d) During the workshop on personal finance, students asked the expert a lot of question

e)The university granted a full scholarship to five brilliant students.​

É Pra Ontem Por Favor Me AjudemSome Passive Sentences May Be Tricky For Portuguese Speakers Pay Attention To The Sentence Below I Have Always Been Told To Follo class=

Sagot :


B) i have been taught by people around me to be careful with money

C) 400,00 students are expected by the brazilian authorities to apply for student loans this year

B) the expert got questioned by the students during the workshop on personal finance

E) five brilliant students have been granted a full scholarship by the university

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