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me ajuda

The Woman at the cinuma
She looled aT The miceoR And Askad heesed she would 90 To The Cnema OR NOr. When She Remembered The Lmi wAS with -rc hee favoCITe AE TOC, She Conined heesf To Go. She deessed a Long COAT, PANIS. booTS and hee glasses and left home. She ARpived ar The cinemA 5 minuRs LAie, Sai and opened hee popeoen Sle Loved him So much, he wAs hee faubcite. She Rememberled his Smeke L, his Touch. She Left The Cinema befoRe The ficm Ends, She went home by TAx, when She WAS enieping a mAn Called heR bUT She Sageed hio Calling pind spiral

1) Onde ela foi?