
Bem-vindo ao, a melhor plataforma de perguntas e respostas para obter soluções rápidas e precisas para todas as suas dúvidas. Obtenha respostas imediatas e confiáveis para suas perguntas de uma comunidade de especialistas experientes em nossa plataforma. Experimente a conveniência de encontrar respostas precisas para suas perguntas de uma comunidade dedicada de especialistas.

1st Read the sentences and choose the best answer to complete the gaps.

------------------- for the test. many students studying

() There was () There were

b) --------------- a person watching the movie?

() Was there () Were there

c) She told him --------------- good movies to watch on TV yesterday.

( ) there wasn't ( ) there weren't

d)------------------ ten people watching the FIFA World cup on tv.

() There was () There were

e) ------------------ a man in the classroom

( ) There was () There were​

ajudar tô precisando

Sagot :


a)there were = plural

b)was there = singular

c) there weren't = plural

d)there were = plural

e)there was = singular


was = singular

were = plural

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