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1. Rewrite the words in bold using the genitive case a) The room of Anna and Elsa shuge b) The car of my father and the car of my mother arent clean c) The course of two days was amazing d) The restaurant of the father of my friends de dous e) The products of the store of Clide aren't very expensive f) Do you ke the cakes of your grandmother and the cakes of your mother? JJJJUU g) The computer of Rick and Marty is very fast.​

Sagot :


a) anna and elsa's room is huge

b) my father and mother's car arent clean

c) the two days' course was amazing (não sei se ta certo)

d) my friends father's restaurant ... (nao entendi o resto da frase)

e) the store of clide's products arent very expensive

f) do you like your grandmother and mother's cakes?

g) rick and marty's computer is very fast