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Sagot :
A language is not considered international
just because a great number pf people speak it.
The main reason for a language became international is power
C) não entendi kakska
D) Incompleta eu acho
Oii, tudo bem?
Read the text and write the English corresponding words in the gaps:
a) A language isn’t consider international just because a great number of people speak it.
B) The main reason for a language becomes international is power.
C) Britain was the leader country in the world in the 19th century.
D) the North American economy (?)
Espero ter ajudado!! Marque como melhor resposta! ❤️
Read the text and write the English corresponding words in the gaps:
a) A language isn’t consider international just because a great number of people speak it.
B) The main reason for a language becomes international is power.
C) Britain was the leader country in the world in the 19th century.
D) the North American economy (?)
Espero ter ajudado!! Marque como melhor resposta! ❤️
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