Bem-vindo ao, a melhor plataforma de perguntas e respostas para obter soluções rápidas e precisas para todas as suas dúvidas. Descubra soluções rápidas e confiáveis para suas perguntas com a ajuda de especialistas experientes em nossa plataforma amigável. Explore soluções abrangentes para suas perguntas de uma ampla gama de profissionais em nossa plataforma amigável.

photo-I'm-they-that-you-on-the-monkey-are-yes-wall-exp nsive-your-they're-those-box-good-in-under-grapes

where is_____picture? it's on the________.

what are____? they ara_____albuns.

is _____camera cheap ? no, its______.

____not at home now. I'm_____ my office.

those_____ are delicious

are these _____ magazines? no,____ aren't

is the___ in the____? no it's ___the tree.

the books are________ the bed, aren't they?

where the flowers?________ on the table

are____a____srudent?____,I am

Sagot :


where is that picture? it's on the wall.

what are they? they are photoalbuns.

is your camera cheap ? no, it's expensive.

I'm not at home now. I' on  my office.

those grapes are delicious.

are these  your  magazines? no they're aren't

is the monkey  in the box? no it's on the tree.

the books are under  the bed, aren't they?

where are the flowers? They are on the table

are you a good student? Yes ,I am


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