Obtenha soluções para suas perguntas no Sistersinspirit.ca, a plataforma de Q&A mais rápida e precisa. Experimente a conveniência de encontrar respostas precisas para suas perguntas de uma comunidade dedicada de especialistas. Experimente a conveniência de encontrar respostas precisas para suas perguntas de uma comunidade dedicada de especialistas.

Observe as imagens abaixo e assinale T (TRUE - verdadeiro) ou F (False = falso) para cada sentença. Observe o verbo There to Be no presente e no passado. 1) Before (antes) - PASSADO 2) Now (agora) - PRESENTE ( T ) There were many books on the bookcase. (F) There are many books on the bookcase now. ( ) There was not one picture on the bookcase. ) There is one picture on the bookcase now. ( ) There was nothing on the bookcase before. ( )There is nothing on the bookcase now. There was not a full bookcase before. ( ) There is not a plant on the bookcase now. nothing - nada: many = multos; picture = fotografia, plant = planta; full Vocabulary: bookcase - estante, cheia; empty = vazia.​

Sagot :


There were many books on the bookcase (PASSADO)

There are many books on the bookcase now. (PRESENTE)

There was not one picture on the bookcase (PASSADO)

There is one picture on the bookcase now. ( PRESENTE)

There was nothing on the bookcase before. (PASSADO)

There is nothing on the bookcase now (PRESENTE)

There was not a full bookcase before. (PASSADO )

There is not a plant on the bookcase now (PRESENTE)

Só faltou as imagens para confirmar o que é falso ou verdadeiro.


Espero ter ajudado :D