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Me ajudem pfv

Me Ajudem Pfv class=

Sagot :



b) It isn't raining now. The weather is nice.

c) Children love ice cream.

d) My sister is a very shy person. She is not talking very much.

e) Peter doesn't like romantic movies. He thinks they are boring.

f) The baby is sleeping and his mother is baking a cake.

g) Tom is not studying now, but he usually studies at this time.

h) We never play during the classes, but all the kids are making a mess right now.

i) I don't buy popcorn when I go to the movies, but today my friends and I eat a lot of thing because we are very hungry.

j) Sheila runs because it's 10 o'clock and she is late for her dance class.


b) It isn't raining now. The weather is nice.

c) Children love ice cream.

d) My sister is a very shy person. She is not talking very much.

e) Peter doesn't like romantic movies. He thinks they are boring.

f) The baby is sleeping and his mother is baking a cake.

g) Tom is not studying now, but he usually studies at this time.

h) We never play during the classes, but all the kids are making a mess right now.

i) I don't buy popcorn when I go to the movies, but today my friends and I eat a lot of thing because we are very hungry.

j) Sheila runs because it's 10 o'clock and she is late for her dance class.


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