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Answer the following questions about the text: “Why does Bollywood use the offensive pratictice of brownface in movies?” You may refer ti a dictionary of your preference.

7. Write down adjectives from the first paragraph

8. In the third paragraph, which modal verb can br replaced by “used to” without changing its meaning?

9. Which verb in the third paragraph can be replaced by the verb “to prohibit”?

Answer The Following Questions About The Text Why Does Bollywood Use The Offensive Pratictice Of Brownface In Movies You May Refer Ti A Dictionary Of Your Prefe class=

Sagot :


7) The adjectives are: glamorous, glitzy and energic

8) The modal verb that can be replaced by used to is the would from "...when white performers would darken their faces..."

9) The verb that can be replaced by to prohibit is the verb barred from "professionals were themselves barred from employment..."

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