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The Invention of the Radio Radio is the *branch* of telecommunication that involves the propagation of electromagnetic waves through space. How did the Radio Originate? Many scientists dreamed of discovering a way wireless communication, but didn't succeed until late nineteenth century.

James Clerk Maxwell developed the first radio-wave theorem in 1864. He proved, mathematically,  that if an electrical interruption is of short distance from the point at which it occured, there would be effect or passage of electrical current due to "some sort of waves that move at the speed of light", in which the electromagnetic energy would travel.

Heinrich Hertz experimented with Maxwell's thesis in 1888. He demonstraded that "waves traveled in straight lines and that they could be reflected by a metal sheet. "He tested with two conductors separated by a short gap (5ft). This idealism was advanced by the Italian physicits Guglielmo Marconi ( seen on the next page) , who repeated Hertz's experiments with a *spark* gap of 30ft and succeeded. Augusto Righi, an Italian physicits, continued and refined Hertz's work establishing the equality between electrical and optical vibrations. Another scientist, Temistocle Calzecchi- Onesti, constructed, in 1888, a "tube" *due to* his  *belief*  that electrical discharges of atmospheric perturbations influence *iron filings*.

In 1894, Oliver Lodge named Temistocle's famous "tube" the "coherer"  and increased the reception the reception gain of the hertzian waves. All that was left was the Russian,  Popov (Alexandre Popoff) , to create a vertical metal pole by Lodge's coherer and collecting atmospheric disturbances in a rudimentary antenna. The invention of these instruments helped Guglielmo Marconi's discovery.  Marconi verified that electromagnetic waves travel creation of the first radio transmitter... This experiment was repeated with larger spark gaps (starded with 5ft; expanded to 100 km). Radiotelegraphy was born.

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Sagot :

Invention, radio, telecommunication, propagation, electromagnetic, space, scientists, wireless, communication, theorem, mathematically, electrical interruption, distance, energy, thesis, metal, idealism, experiments, vibrations, atmospheric, perturbation, famous, reception, Hertzian, vertical, antenna, radiotelegraphy.
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