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a. What is the best translation for "this is the worst storm I've ever seen"? Use a dictionary, if necessary.
[ ]Esta é a tempestade mais fraca que já vi.
[ ] Esta é a chuva mais triste que Já vi.
[ ]Esta é a pior tempestade que já vi.
[ ]Este é o trovão mais alto que Já ouvi.

b. Sally, the gtrl, says it js the worst storm she has ever seen. So bad she could even liste n thunder, According to the context, what does thunder mean?

•A loud rumbling or crashing noise heard after a lightning flash due to the expansio n of rapidly heated air.

•The flashing of light produced by a discharge of atmospheric electricity. c. Now that you read the meaning of thunder, choose the best translation to it.

□Relåmpago □Trovåo​

Sagot :

⇒⇒  Translation

a. What is the best translation for "this is the worst storm I've ever seen"? Use a dictionary, if necessary.

[ ]   Esta é a tempestade mais fraca que já vi.

[ ]   Esta é a chuva mais triste que Já vi.

[X] Esta é a pior tempestade que já vi.   ✅  

[ ]   Este é o trovão mais alto que Já ouvi.

b. Sally, the girl, says it is the worst storm she has ever seen. So bad she could even listen thunder, According to the context, what does thunder mean?

•  A loud rumbling or crashing noise heard after a lightning flash due to the expansion of rapidly heated air.  

•  The flashing of light produced by a discharge of atmospheric electricity.

c.  Now that you read the meaning of thunder, choose the best translation to it.

∵  Relåmpago

∵  Trovåo​ ✅  


→→  Lightening  >>  relâmpago

•  The flashing of light produced by a discharge of atmospheric electricity. ⇔  Raio de luz produzido por uma descarga de eletricidade atmosférica.

→→  Thunder  >>   trovão

•  A loud rumbling or crashing noise heard after a lightning flash due to the expansion of rapidly heated air.  ⇔  Um estrondo ou barulho muito alto que se ouve após um relâmpago, devido à expansão do ar aquecido rapidamente.

→→  Worst  >>  pior

→→  Storm  >>  tempestade

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