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5. Supply the correct verb tense.
a) I ............................................................................................. if I had time. (to go out)
b) If they studied hard, they ..................................................... good grades. (to have)
c) If teachers encouraged students, they ........................................... easily. (to learn)
d) They new system would work./If it ........................................... really good. (to be)
e) If I ............................................................................ you, I would be very shy. (to be)

6. Complete using the conditional tense properly.
a) Had I done everything, I .............................................................................................
b) If he had bought the dictionary, he ...........................................................................
c) They would have worked more if they .......................................................................
d) The patient wouldn ́t have died if .............................................................................
e) Hadn ́t he ate so much ................................................................................................

Sagot :

5. a) I would've gone out if I had time.

b) If they studied hard, they would have good grades.

c) If teachers encouraged students, they would learn easily. (to learn)

d) They new system would work, if it were really good.

e) If I were you, I would be very shy.

6. a) Had I done everything, I would have been quite successful.

b) If he had bought the dictionary, he would have bought himself a rather expensive doorstop. Who the hell buys dictionaries in this day and age?

c) They would have worked more if they hadn't been killed.

d) The patient wouldn't have died if the doctors had performed the surgery when he checked into the ER.

e) Hadn't he eaten so much his stomach wouldn't have ruptured.

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