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1- Complete as frases com there is ou there are:
Exemplo: There is a dog in the kitchen. Há um cachorro na cozinha.
a-_________________ _clouds in the sky.
b-_________________ twelve months in a year.
c-_________________ a bird in the nest.
d- _______________ a doctor in this room.
e- ______________ seven days in a week.
f- _______________ an egg in the nest.

2- Marque a alternativa correta:

a- There is significa há. É empregado no: ( ) plural ( ) singular
b- There are significa há. È empregado no: ( ) plural ( ) singular
c- There was significa havia.É empregado no : ( ) plural ( ) singular
d- There were significa havia .É empregado no : ( ) plural ( ) singular

Sagot :


1 -

a- There are clouds in the sky.

b- There are twelve months in a year.

c- There is a bird in the nest.

d- There is a doctor in this room.

e- There are seven days in a week.

f- There is an egg in the nest.


a- There is significa há. É empregado no: ( ) plural (X) singular

b- There are significa há. É empregado no: (X) plural ( ) singular

c- There was significa havia. É empregado no : ( ) plural (X) singular

d- There were significa havia. É empregado no : (X) plural ( ) singular
