O Sistersinspirit.ca ajuda você a encontrar respostas confiáveis para todas as suas perguntas com a ajuda de especialistas. Explore um vasto conhecimento de profissionais em diferentes disciplinas em nossa abrangente plataforma de perguntas e respostas. Conecte-se com uma comunidade de especialistas prontos para ajudar você a encontrar soluções para suas perguntas de maneira rápida e precisa.

A) Choose the right form of the verbs – SIMPLE PAST or PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE:

1) I _______________ (sit) in a cafe when you ______________ (call).

2) When you __________(arrive) at the party, who ________(be) there?

3) Susie _______________ (watch) a film when she_______________ (hear) the noise.

4) Yesterday I_______________ (go) to the library, next I _______________ (have) a swim,

later I _______________ (meet) Julie for coffee.

5) We _______________ (play) tennis when John_______________ (hurt) his ankle.

6) What _______________ (they/do) at 10pm last night - it was really noisy?

7) He _______________ (take) a shower when the telephone_______________ (ring).

8) He_______________ (be) in the shower when the telephone_______________ (ring).

9) When I_______________ (walk) into the room, everyone_______________ (work).

10) It _______________ (be) a day last September. The sun _______________ (shine) and

the birds _______________ (sing). I _______________ (walk) along the street when

I _______________ (meet) an old friend.

Sagot :


1) I sat in a cafe when you called me (call).

2) When you arrived at the party, who was there?

3) Susie was watching a movie when she heard the noise.

4) Yesterday I went to the library, then I took a dip

later I meet Julie for coffee.

5) We played tennis when John (injured) his ankle.

6) What did they do last night at 10pm - was it too noisy?

7) He took a shower when the phone rang (rings).

8) He stood in the shower when the phone rang

9) When I entered (enter) the room, everyone worked

10) It was the day of last September. the sun shone and

the birds sang. I walked along the street when

I recognized an old friend.


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