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2- Marque a alternativa com os superlativos corretos: a) Russia is country in the world. ( ) big ( ) the biggest ( ) the biggest b) David person in our English class. () is the tallest () the most tall ( ) the tallest c) I think that shopping mall mall. ( ) best() the best d) That restaurant, ( ) is the best restaurant in our town. () is the worst ( ) is bad ( ) worst e) Yesterday was the day this summer. ( )hotest() hottest ( ) hotter f) That road in the entire country! () most danger () is the most dangerous () most dangerous​

2 Marque A Alternativa Com Os Superlativos Corretos A Russia Is Country In The World Big The Biggest The Biggest B David Person In Our English Class Is The Tall class=

Sagot :


a) Russia is country in the world. ( ) big ( ) the biggest ( ) the biggest

b) David person in our English class. () is the tallest () the most tall ( ) the tallest

c) I think that shopping mall mall. ( ) best() is  the best

d) That restaurant, ( ) restaurant in our town. () is the worst ( ) is bad ( ) worst

e) Yesterday was the day this summer. ( )hotest() hottest ( ) hotter

f) That road in the entire country! () most danger () is the most dangerous () most dangerous​


View image Simoleg2
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