O Sistersinspirit.ca ajuda você a encontrar respostas confiáveis para todas as suas perguntas com a ajuda de especialistas. Junte-se à nossa plataforma para obter respostas confiáveis para suas dúvidas de uma ampla comunidade de especialistas. Experimente a facilidade de obter respostas rápidas e precisas para suas perguntas com a ajuda de profissionais em nossa plataforma.


1- Complete as frases com Present perfect:
a- I _______ __________ the question. ( to
b- She _______ _____________ the window.
( to open)
c- They _________ _________ us. ( to call)
d- You _________ _____________ a box. ( to
e- He ___________ __________ the car. ( to
2- Escreva os verbos no past participle:

a- stay-
c- see-
d- be-
e- eat-
f- play-
g- go-
h- drink-
i- visit-
j- close-
3- Assinale a frase que está escrita na forma

interrogativa corretamente:
a- Bob has not visited his grandma.
b- Is Jimmy has played on the computer?
c- HAS Andrew repaired his bike?
d- Have Phil helped Anne with maths?
4- Complete as frases com have/ has:
a- It _________ rained a lot.
b- We _____________ closed the window.
c- The girls ___________ visited the museum.
d- John and Sophie ________________ helped
in the garden.
e- It __________ sotopped raining.
5Assinale a frase que está escrita na forma
a-Tom and Alice have been to a restaurant.
b- Carol was not read a computer magazine.
c- Your Dad has not driven his car for ten days.
d- Has Katherine helped her mom in the shop?
e- Richard and you is not visited the art
Museum twice.

Sagot :

a) I have answered the question

b) She has opened the window.

c) They have called us

d) You have carried a box

e) He has washed the car

2- a) stayed
b) enjoyed
c) saw
d) was/were
e) ate
f) played
g) went
h) drank
i) visited
j) closed

3. c) Has Andrew repaired his bike?

4. a) has
b) have
c) have
d) have
e) has

5. c) Your dad has not driven his car for ten days.

Espero ter ajudado
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