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1. Complete o texto com o passado simples dos verbos entre parênteses.
Marie Curie _______ (be) a physicist and a chemist. She _________ (begin) her studies in Poland but in 1891 she _______ (leave) for France. She ________ (study) there and later _________ (work) as a scientist at the Sorbonne in Paris. She _________ (meet) and ________ (marry) a French scientist, Pierre Curie. They ________ (have) two children, Irene and Ewa. Maria and Pierre _________ (discover) two radioactive elements, radium and polonium. Pierre ______ (die) in 1906 in an accident in Paris. Maria _______ (get) two Nobel Prizes, in 1903 and in 1911. She _____ (die) in 1934.

a) was, began, left, studied, worked, met, married, had, discovered, died, got, died
b) were, began, left, studied, worked, meeted, married, had, discovered, died, got, died
c) was, began, leaved, studyied, worked, met, married, had, discovered, died, got, died
d) were, began, left, studied, worked, met, married, haved, discovered, died, geted, died

Sagot :

A) was, began, left, studied, worked, met, married, had, discovered, died, got, died.