O Sistersinspirit.ca facilita a busca por soluções para todas as suas perguntas com a ajuda de uma comunidade ativa. Explore milhares de perguntas e respostas de uma comunidade de especialistas em nossa plataforma amigável. Junte-se à nossa plataforma de perguntas e respostas para conectar-se com especialistas dedicados a fornecer respostas precisas para suas perguntas em diversas áreas.

1 ) Que futuro deveremos usar nesta sentença? "The sun ________ raise at 5:30."

A) am going to

B) are going to

C) is going to

D) will

2 ) Marque a sentença correta: *

A) She will comes yesterday

B) They will do it for me.

C) He will no be at the meeting.

D) Where you will be tomorrow?

3 ) Marque a alternativa que completa corretamentea frase “The boy _________________ popcorn” no Immediate Future. *

A) am going to eat.

B) are going to eat.

C) is going to eat.

D) be going to eat.

4 ) Onde a resposta curta da seguinte pergunta está correta? "Are you going to go to the curse tomorrow? *

A) No, I'm not.

B) Yes, I'm not.

C) No, I am.

D) Yes, you are.

5 ) Escolha a alternativa correta de acordo com o uso do Futuro Imediato:

A) Previsão.

B) Sonho

C) Planejamento

D) Desejo.

6 ) Analise as frases abaixo e complete com os verbos principais entre parênteses: a) We __________________ you by the lake. (to meet) b) He ____________________to the other country. (to move) c) Cars_________________ lighter in the future. (to be) *

A) a) is going to meet. b) are going to move. c) are going to be

B) a) will meet. b) is going to move. c) will be

C) a) meet. b) going to move. c) be

D) a) are going meet. b) is going move. c) is going be

7 ) Como fica a tradução da frase: "Irei comprar um presente porque é aniversário da Lisa hoje."

A) I'm going to buy a gift because it's Lisa's birthday today.

B) I´ll buy a gift because it's Lisa's birthday today.

C) I will to buy a gift because it´s birthday of Lisa today.

D) I'm going buy a gift because it's Lisa's birthday today.

8 ) Observe as frases abaixo e marque a opção corretamente: ( ) Hugo is going wash his car. ( ) My sister won´t like to know about this. ( ) Are Peter, Meg and Loius going to cook dinner? ( ) Will they prepare my breakfast next day?

A) V _ V _ V _ V

B) V _ F _ V _ F

C) F _ V _ V _ V

D) V _ V _ V _ F

9 ) Marque a única alternativa abaixo que está corretamente no Futuro Simples.

A) Mary is going to live in London.

B) David will work in Brazil.

C) Karen and Peter are going to study Spanish.

D) I go will to my home?

10 ) Marque a alternativa cuja frase está errada.

`A) ll you play tennis at the park?

B) She´ll not watch TV only on Sundays.

C) We won´t travel next week.

D) Will Gordon study for the test?

11 ) Como ficará a forma negativa da frase a seguir? "They will buy a new house."A. They willn't buy a new house.B. They won't buy a new house.C. They won't not buy a new house.D. They not will buy a new house.

A) They willn't buy a new house.

B) They won't buy a new house.

C) They won't not buy a new house.

D) They not will buy a new house.

12 ) Qual é a alternativa que complementa a frase a seguir no Futuro Imediato? "My friends______visit their parents."

A) is going to

B) am going to

C) are going to

D) will

13 ) Escolha a alternativa em que a forma interrogativa da frase a seguir está correta: "The cats are going to climb the window."

A) The cats are going to climb the window?

B) Are the cats going to climb the window.

C) Are cats the going to climb the window?

D) Are the cats going to climb the window?

14 ) Para a situação a seguir, devemos completar com will ou to be going to? "Mary_________have a baby. *

A) is going to

B) won't not

C) are going to

15 ) Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “_____________ more tonight?”?

A) Is he going to study.

B) Is going he to study.

C) He is going to study.

D) Going he is to study.

Sagot :


1.) d) Will

2.) b) They will do it for me ou

    d) Where you will be tomorrow (ambas estão corretas)

3.) c) Is going to eat

4.) a) No, I'm not.

5.) ?

6.) d) Are going to meet - is going to move - is going to be

7.) a) I'm going to buy a gift because it's Lisa's birthday today. ou

    b) B) I´ll buy a gift because it's Lisa's birthday today. (ambas corretas)

8.) a) V - V - V - V

9.) b) David will work in Brazil.

10.) a) ll you play tennis at the park?

11.) b) B) They won't buy a new house.

12.) c) are going to

13.) b) Are the cats going to climb the window.

14.) a) Is going to

15.) c) He is going to study.

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