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A) Escreva orações no present perfect:

1. We/be/in Portugal.
2. They/swim/ in that pool
3. I/ride/that horse.
4. She/become/an incredible artist.
5. Edward/cut/some bread for breakfast.
6. My mother/buy/some vegetables.
7. His friends/go/to the beach.
8. The boy/leave/home late in the morning.
9. You/drink/milk for dinner.
10. Melanie/have/a problem at work.
11. We/take/the bus/after school.
12. They/write/us a message.​

Sagot :

1. We have been in Portugal.

2. They have swum in that pool

3. I have ridden that horse.

4. She has become an incredible artist.

5. Edward has cut some bread for breakfast.

6. My mother has bought some vegetables.

7. His friends have gone to the beach.

8. The boy has left home late in the morning.

9. You have drunk milk for dinner.

10. Melanie has had a problem at work.

11. We have taken the bus after school.

12. They have written us a message.​