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Complete as frases com o verbo regular adequado.

1- She __________ of being a scientist. *

a) to dream
b) dreamed
c) dream

2- She _________ her studies in the Sorbonne University, in Paris.

a) started
b) start
c) to start

3- She _________ to read when she was only four years old. *

a) learn
b) to learn
c) learned

4- Marie ______ to develop X-rays. *

a) to work
b) worked
c) work

5- She never ________ to make money from her discoveres. *

a) try
b) tries
c) tried

6) She _______ they could help treat diseases like cancer. *

a) believed
b) believes
c) believe

7- Marie _______ Pierre Curie. *

a) marry
b) marryed
c) married

8) They ______ the first radioactive element. *

a) discovered
b) doscover
c) discoveres

9- Marie and Pierre _______ the Nobel Prize in Physics. *

a) receives
b) received
c) receive

10- Marie Curie _____ the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize. *

a) be
b) were
c) was

Sagot :

1. She dreamed of being a scientist.

2. She started her studies in the Sorbonne University, in Paris.

3. She learned to read when she was only four years old.

4. Marie worked to develop X-rays.

5. She never tried to make money from her discoveries.

6. She believed they could help treat diseases like cancer.

7. Marie married Pierre Curie.

8. They discovered the first radioactive element.

9. Marie and Pierre received the Nobel Prize in Physics.

10. Marie Curie was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize.

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