
O ajuda você a encontrar respostas para suas perguntas com a ajuda de uma comunidade de especialistas. Explore milhares de perguntas e respostas de uma comunidade de especialistas em nossa plataforma amigável. Explore milhares de perguntas e respostas de uma ampla gama de especialistas em diversas áreas em nossa plataforma de perguntas e respostas.

Complete with AM, IS, ARE, WAS or WERE.
1. The weather _____ terrible yesterday, but today it _____ OK.
the weather was terrible yesterday,but today it is ok.
2. I _____ not going to tell you how we are going to the beach. It _____ a surprise.
3. All the students _____ here yesterday. They had the final test. Today, they _____ on vacation.
4. My brother and sister _____ popular at the school we go. I _____ not.
5. A: _____ your friends at school nice? B: Yes, they _____ great. We still meet for coffee and a chat every month since graduation.