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Disability Competitions Manager

Employer LTA

Town / City London

Job Type Full-time

Salary Competitive


The Disability Competitions Manager will also be responsible for the overall management of the GB [Great Britain] representative teams for Learning Disability, Deaf and Blind and Visually Impaired Tennis.

In line with our values, we are looking for a talented and driven individual who can bring teamwork, passion, integrity and excellence to this role. If this is you, and you want to join our journey to open up tennis in Britain, then we look forward to receiving your application.

We offer a competitive benefits package and a positive culture underpinned by our values (Passion, Teamwork, Excellence, and Integrity). We welcome applications from all backgrounds as we believe a diverse workforce is fundamental to achieving great things – our people make the difference.

Please ensure that you submit both a CV and covering letter when applying.

Taking the text above into account, consider the following statements.

I. It is a job advert from an official tennis agency in Great Britain.

II. “In line with our values, we are looking for a talented and driven individual who can bring teamwork, passion, integrity and excellence to this role.” Who is a pronoun and it is used to add information about a person just mentioned. This word can be replaced by the word that, without changing meaning of the sentence.

III. To apply, candidates should submit a résumé and a project proposal.

It is correct what is stated in

Escolha uma opção:

a. III, only.

b. II, only.

c. I and III, only.

d. I and II, only.

e. I, II and III.

Sagot :


I and II, only.


Levando em consideração o texto acima, considere as seguintes afirmações.

I) É um anúncio de emprego de uma agência oficial de tênis na Grã-Bretanha.

II) “Alinhados com os nossos valores, procuramos um indivíduo talentoso e motivado que pode trazer o trabalho em equipa, paixão, integridade e excelência para esta função.” Quem é um pronome usado para adicionar informações sobre uma pessoa que acabou de ser mencionada. Esta palavra pode ser substituída pela palavra que, sem alterar o significado da frase.

III) Para se candidatar, os candidatos deverão apresentar currículo e proposta de projeto.

Apenas aas opções I e II são verdadeiras!

Resposta: Letra D

I and II, only.


Corrigido pelo AVA.

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