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Urgente Preciso De Ajuda

2. Re-arrange the sentence. (Arrume as sentenças)

a.I / not / a teacher. / am ________________________________

b.She / my mother. / is _______________________

c. I/ Am/shy/?


d.The girl / in the room/not / is


e. she/ Is/ fat/?


f.My dad / smart. / is


g. My mother / a housewife. / is not


h. Are / well today /we/?


i.The teacher / angry. / is


j. they/beautiful/Are/?​

Sagot :

a) I am not a teacher

b) She is my mother

c) Am I shy?

d) The girl is not in the room

e) Is she fat?

f) My dad is smart

g) My mother is not a housewife

h) Are we well today?

i) The teacher is angry

j) Are they beautiful?



a) I am not the teacher.
b) She is my mother.
c) Am I shy?
d) The girl is not in the room?
e) Is she fat?
f) My dad is smart.
g) My mother is not a housewife.
h) Are we well today?
i) The teacher is angry.
j) Are they beautiful?

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