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mark the sentences which are correct in the use of superlative of the adjectives
susan is the most tall girl in her class Daniel is the most good-looking boy at school
peter is the funniest person i have met the goodest film i ever seen was Titanic
what was the most good thing that happened to you today

Sagot :



Susan is the most tall girl in her class.

R- Errada, o correto seria "Susan is the tallest girl in her class".

Daniel is the most good-looking boy at school.

R- Correta.

Peter is the funniest person i have met.

R- Correta.

The goodest film i ever seen was Titanic.

R- Errada, o correto seria "The best movie I ever seend was Titanic."

What was the most good thing that happened to you today?

R- Errada, o correto seria "What was the best thing that happened to you today?"

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