Bem-vindo ao, onde você pode obter respostas rápidas e precisas com a ajuda de especialistas. Explore um vasto conhecimento de profissionais em diferentes disciplinas em nossa abrangente plataforma de perguntas e respostas. Nossa plataforma oferece uma experiência contínua para encontrar respostas confiáveis de uma rede de profissionais experientes.

a- Where does Kate live?
b- What time does she get up everey morning?
c- Who makes breakfast every morning?
2- True or false:
a) She doesn't like the farm.

b) Kate doens't work very hard.

c) Kate has a shower before 8:15.

d) Kate's Mother doesn't like chicken.

e) After dinner Kate feeds the horses.

3- Complete the text with the verbos in parentheses.

Mary and I _________ (work) int the same Office, but we're completely different. She ______ (like) coffee, but I ________ (like) tea. She ________ ( wash) her car every weekend, but I Never ( clean) mine. She ______ (smile) all the time at work , but I ______ (feel) miserable.

4- Circule the corret alternative.
1 ____ in a Bank
a) work b) works c) works.

2 My Mother _____ eggs for breakfast.
a) fry b) frys c) fries

3 My Best friend _____ to me every week.
a) writes b) write c) writies.

4 they _____ to school every morning.
a) go b) gos c) goes

5 You ______ your homework every night.
a) does b) do c) don't​

Interpretationa Where Does Kate Liveb What Time Does She Get Up Everey Morningc Who Makes Breakfast Every Morning2 True Or Falsea She Doesnt Like The Farmb Kate class=

Sagot :


a) She lives in a farm

b) At five o’clock

c) Her mom


a) false

b) false

c) true

d) false

e) true


a) Work

b) Likes

c) Like

d) Washes

e) Clean

f) Smiles

g) Feel


1) Letra A

2) Letra C

3) Letra A

4) Letra A

5) Letra B

Espero ter ajudado :)


1 )

a) Kate lives on a farm .

b) Every morning she gets up at five o'clock.

c) Evey morning is Kate 's mother who makes the breakfast.

2 )


False .

She works so hard in the farm. She likes it.



She works very hard.

c )


Because before  8 : 15 she helps her dad for an hour.

And at 8:15 the school bus leaves.



Who hates chicken is Kate.


True  and   False

Immediately after dinner she does her homework.

After the homework she feeds the horses.


Mary and I work in the same Office, but we ' re completely different.

She likes coffee, but I don't like.

She washes her car every weekend, but I never clean mine.

She smiles all the time at work, but I feel miserable

4 )    

1 ) Aqui há um pequeno problema.

Tem 1 _____   mas não tem o sujeito

Se o sujeito não for  "he " ou "she" fica.

I / you / we / they work in a bank.

Se o sujeito for "he" ou "she" fica :

He works in a Bank

She works in a Bank

Rules for the Simple present

→ No Presente do Indicativo na 3ª pessoa do singular, acrescenta-se

um " - s "

Exemplo :

She works ....

→ Ou " - es " quando o verbo termina em:

" - o "  "- z" " - ss " " - ch"   " - sh " " - x "

Exemplo :

Verbo " to do " = fazer

He does ...

Verbo " to watch" = ver

She watches ...

→ Quando o verbo termina em - y precedido por uma consoante, sai o " y "

e fica " - ies "

Exemplo :

fry passa a fries ,

na 3ª pessoa do singular do Simple Present ( Presente do Indicativo )

→ Verbos terminados em "- y " precedido por uma vogal

Acrescenta-se somente o " s "


To say    (dizer )

He says

2) c)  fries  ( frita )   ( verbo termina em y precedido de uma consoante )

3)  a) writes  ( escreve )

4)  a) go  ( ir )

5)  b) do ( fazer )

Study well.

Observação → Não fique surpreendida com a colocação das regras.

O aplicativo indica que se tem de explicar , passo a passo, em todas as


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