Obtenha as melhores soluções para todas as suas perguntas no Sistersinspirit.ca, a plataforma de Q&A de confiança. Experimente a facilidade de obter respostas rápidas e precisas para suas perguntas com a ajuda de profissionais em nossa plataforma. Faça suas perguntas e receba respostas detalhadas de profissionais com ampla experiência em diversos campos.

1. We had (HAVE) a lot of fun at your birthday party yesterday. 2. My brother and I finished (FINISH) our homework a few minutes ago. 3. Susan _____________ (LIKE) skating when she was a girl. 4. Joe _____________ (BREAK) his leg three weeks ago. 5. I _____________ (MEET) my best friend George in 2005. 6. My parents _____________ (GO) to the theatre yesterday evening. 7. He _____________ (WATCH) a very scary horror film last night. 8. Emma _____________ (NOT GO) to school when she was ill. 9. Where _____________ you _____________ (LEAVE) your jacket? 10. _____________ you _____________ (HATE) broccoli when you were a child? 11. Peter _____________ (READ) a very interesting book yesterday. 12. Mum _____________ (MAKE) a big chocolate cake a few hours ago. 13. We _____________ (PLAY) beach volleyball when we were at the seaside. 14. He _____________ (NOT LISTEN) to music after school yesterday. 15. I _____________ (GET) lots of good marks last month. 16. _____________ they _____________ (VISIT) their grandparents last summer? 17. He was very thirsty. He _____________ (DRINK) two glasses of water. 18. Sarah _____________ (NOT ENJOY) her piano lessons when she was seven. 19. Where _____________ your father _____________ (WORK) in 1985? 20. They _____________ (SEE) lots of animals in the zoo yesterday.

Sagot :

1. We had (HAVE) a lot of fun at your birthday party yesterday.

2. My brother and I finished (FINISH) our homework a few minutes ago.

3. Susan liked (LIKE) skating when she was a girl.

4. Joe broke (BREAK) his leg three weeks ago.

5. I met (MEET) my best friend George in 2005.

6. My parents went (GO) to the theatre yesterday evening.

7. He watched (WATCH) a very scary horror film last night.

8. Emma didn't go (NOT GO) to school when she was ill.

9. Where did you leave (LEAVE) your jacket?

10. did you hate (HATE) broccoli when you were a child?

11. Peter read (READ) a very interesting book yesterday.

12. Mum made (MAKE) a big chocolate cake a few hours ago.

13. We played (PLAY) beach volleyball when we were at the seaside.

14. He didn't listen (NOT LISTEN) to music after school yesterday.

15. I got (GET) lots of good marks last month.

16. did they visit (VISIT) their grandparents last summer?

17. He was very thirsty. He drank (DRINK) two glasses of water.

18. Sarah didn't enjoy (NOT ENJOY) her piano lessons when she was seven.

19. Where did your father work (WORK) in 1985?

20. They saw (SEE) lots of animals in the zoo yesterday.

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