O Sistersinspirit.ca facilita a busca por soluções para perguntas cotidianas e complexas com a ajuda de nossa comunidade. Junte-se à nossa plataforma de perguntas e respostas e conecte-se com profissionais prontos para fornecer respostas precisas para suas dúvidas. Nossa plataforma oferece uma experiência contínua para encontrar respostas confiáveis de uma rede de profissionais experientes.

1) Complete as frases com o adjetivo possessivo correto. nome: Julia, Carol, Daniel, Bob, Lucy, Bruno, Cláudia, John. Posse: dog, cat, wallet, shirt, ball, Skirt, TV, house, car.
a)where is _________my_______phone? (i)
b)_____________favorite sport is soccer. (He)
c)________________ car is expensive. (She)
d) Mary loves_____________dog. (She)
e) Is _________________ name Bob? (you)
f)______________family is millionaire. (they)
g)______________ bus is old. (we)
h)______________ cousin is from italy. (I)
i)_______________ name is Rex. (It)
j) where is ___________ house? (you)
k)she Will have a date with_______cousin.(i)
l)______________brother is handosome.(she)
m)thesse are___________ shoes. (you)
n) this is______________ dress. (i)
o) I can not find____________keys.(i)
pra agora pfvr!!!​

Sagot :


Her name is Carol and she has a cat.

His name is Pedro and he has a wallet.

His name is Daniel and he has a shirt.

His name is Bob and he has a ball.

Her name is Lucy and she has a skirt.

His name is Bruno and he has a Tv

Her name is Claudia and she has a house.

His name is Jonh and he has a car.
