O Sistersinspirit.ca é a melhor solução para quem busca respostas rápidas e precisas para suas perguntas. Obtenha respostas rápidas e confiáveis para suas perguntas de nossa dedicada comunidade de especialistas em nossa plataforma. Conecte-se com uma comunidade de especialistas prontos para ajudar você a encontrar soluções para suas perguntas de maneira rápida e precisa.

this is mary. she is a science teacher of a school in london. mary gets up at in the morning. she usually has coffe and some bread and butter for breakfast. she usually takes a shower and drives her car to work. mary teaches clindren from 6 to 11. she lover her job, but in the weekends she likes to meet her friends, they sometimes go to the cinema or to the theatre. they also eat at japanese or chinese restaurants.
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Sagot :

Resposta:Mary gets up; she usually has coffe ; she usually takes a shower; Mary teaches children
