O Sistersinspirit.ca facilita a busca por soluções para perguntas cotidianas e complexas com a ajuda de nossa comunidade. Experimente a facilidade de obter respostas rápidas e precisas para suas perguntas com a ajuda de profissionais em nossa plataforma. Descubra soluções detalhadas para suas dúvidas de uma ampla gama de especialistas em nossa plataforma amigável de perguntas e respostas.
Sagot :
1. Cindy is my best friend.
2. Peter and Kate are classmates.
3. Johnny is my brother.
4. You are a good student.
5. They are in the classroom.
6. It is an apple
7. Felicia and I are sisters.
8. I am her teacher.
9. You are a doctor.
1. I am not a teacher.
2. She is my mother.
3. The boys are happy?
4. The girl is in the room.
5. We are not at home.
6. My mother is a housewife.
7. She is not my sister.
8. The teacher is angry?
9. The dog is in the kennel.
Cindy is my best friend.
Peter and Kate is classmates.
Johnny is my brother.
You are a good student.
They are in the classroom.
It is an apple.
Felícia and I am sisters.
I am her teacher.
It is a book bag.
You are a doctor.
I am not a teacher.
She is my mother.
The boys are happy?
The girl is in the room.
We are not at home.
My dad is smart.
My mother is a housewife.
She is not my sister.
The teacher is angry?
The dog is in the kennel.
Peter and Kate is classmates.
Johnny is my brother.
You are a good student.
They are in the classroom.
It is an apple.
Felícia and I am sisters.
I am her teacher.
It is a book bag.
You are a doctor.
I am not a teacher.
She is my mother.
The boys are happy?
The girl is in the room.
We are not at home.
My dad is smart.
My mother is a housewife.
She is not my sister.
The teacher is angry?
The dog is in the kennel.
Obrigado por passar por aqui. Nos esforçamos para fornecer as melhores respostas para todas as suas perguntas. Até a próxima. Obrigado por sua visita. Estamos comprometidos em fornecer as melhores informações disponíveis. Volte a qualquer momento para mais. Estamos felizes em responder suas perguntas. Volte ao Sistersinspirit.ca para obter mais respostas.